2024 edition of the Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford out now

Volume XVI (2024)
The 2024 edition of the Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford (JASO) is available now.
Highlights include Some Reflections on Mysticism by E.E. Evans-Pritchard; the article was originally delivered as a lecture in 1970 by pre-eminent Oxford Social Anthropologist Evans-Pritchard and is presented here with a new introduction from Kit Lee, and Marcus Banks: An Annotated Bibliography by Chihab El Khachab which maps out the intellectual contributions to anthropology of Marcus Banks, Professor of Visual Anthropology and former Head of School (2012-2016) at SAME who died suddenly in 2020. This edition also features the second article in JASO occasional series Anthropology in Translation, a dedicated space for engaging with current anthropological scholarship originally written in languages other than English. The article, Cover-up is better than exposure: scandals, flexible norms, prostitution or sexual dissidence in Morocco, was written by Mériam Cheikh and translated by David Zeitlyn.
Read JASO Volume XVI (opens as PDF)
1 Edwin Jiang: The limits of agency: aspirational frustrations amongst working-class Chinese youths, 3 ( Word file)
2 Heidi Cooke: Making art, making value online: NFTs, Blockchains and online art economies, 23 ( Word file)
3 Eldar Bråten: Ant, spider and DNA: letting mindless generative mechanisms speak, 51 ( Word file)
4 Christian-Radu Chereji and Aris Tsantiropoulos: Mediation in a feuding society: an anthropological approach to the process of sasmos in contemporary Crete, 72 (Word file)
5 E. E. Evans-Pritchard (edited with an introduction by Kit Lee): Some reflections on mysticism, 91 ( Word file)
Editors’ introduction: Anthropology in translation (JASO occasional series), 112 ( Word file)
6 Mériam Cheikh (translated by David Zeitlyn): Cover-up is better than exposure: scandals, flexible norms, prostitution or sexual dissidence in Morocco, 113 ( Word file)
7 Chihab El Khachab: Marcus Banks: an annotated bibliography, 129 ( Word file)
Book reviews
Andrés González Dinamarca. Marshall Sahlins. The new science of the enchanted universe: an anthropology of most of humanity. Princeton: Princeton University Press 2022, 208 P. ISBN: 9780691215921, 156 ( Word file)
Andrés González Dinamarca. Daniel Ruiz-Serna. When forests run amok: war and its afterlives in indigenous and Afro-Colombian territories. Durham: Duke University Press 2023. 270 P. ISBN: 9781478019503, 158 ( Word file)
Arjunvir Singh. Michael M.J. Fischer. Probing arts and emergent forms of life. Durham: Duke University Press 2023. 336 P. ISBN: 9781478019770, 160 ( Word file)
Emily Long. Michael M.J. Fischer. At the pivot of East and West: ethnographic, literary, and filmic arts. Durham: Duke University Press 2023. 365 P. ISBN: 9781478019893, 162 ( Word file)
Carolyn Gover. Michael M. Muthukrishna. A theory of everyone: who we are, how we got here, and where we’re going. Cambridge: MIT Press 2023. 448 P. ISBN: 9781399810630, 164 ( Word file)
Cho Kiu Chiang. Vanessa Grotti. Nurturing the other: first contacts and the making of Christian bodies in Amazonia. New York: Berghahn Books 2022. 212 P. ISBN: 9781800734586, 166 ( Word file)
Ellen M. Burstein. Andrea Muehlebach. A vital frontier: water insurgencies in Europe. Durham: Duke University Press 2023. 274 P. ISBN: 9781478019831, 168 (Word file)
Beatriz Mutter Quinderé Fraga. Luci Attala and Louis Steel, eds. Plants matter: exploring the becomings of plants and peoples, 1st Ed. Cardiff: University of Wales Press 2023. 244 P. ISBN: 9781837720507, 170 ( Word file)
Harish Goutam. Lisa Mitchell. Hailing the state. Durham: Duke University Press 2023. 320 P. ISBN: 9781478018766, 172 ( Word file)
Katya Herberg. Ludovik Slimak. The naked Neanderthal. London: Penguin 2023. 208 P. ISBN: 9781802061819, 174 ( Word file)
Loki Hu. Stéphanie Homola. The art of fate calculation: practicing divination in Taipei, Beijing, and Kaifeng. New York: Berghahn Books 2023. 374 P. ISBN: 9781800738126, 176 ( Word file)
Natalia Lopez. Deborah A. Thomas and Joseph Masco, eds. Sovereignty unhinged: an illustrated primer for the study of present intensities, disavowals, and temporal derangements. Durham: Duke University Press. 360 P. ISBN: 9781478019084, 178 ( Word file)
Natasha Durie. Anne Allison. Being dead otherwise. Durham: Duke University Press 2023. 256 P. ISBN: 978147801984-8, 180 ( Word file)
Wesley Chan. Saskia Witteborn. Unruly speech: displacement and the politics of transgression. Stanford: Stanford University Press 2023. 250 P. ISBN: 9781503634305, 182 ( Word file)
Yu Furukawa. Andrea Wright. Between dreams and ghosts: Indian migration and Middle Eastern oil. Stanford: Stanford University Press 2021. 288 P. ISBN: 9781503629516, 184 ( Word file)
About JASO
The Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford (JASO) is a diamond access, peer-reviewed anthropology journal edited by a group of staff and students from the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography at the University of Oxford.
Managing Editors: David Zeitlyn, Chihab El Khachab and Morgan Clarke
Reviews Editors: Laura Bergin (DPhil candidate) and Anna Malpas (MPhil candidate)
Editors and contributors JASO XVI
More on members of the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography who have contributed to this edition of JASO.