School of Anthropology & Museum Ethnography : All Pages
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- Radicalization and Self Sacrifice
- Extreme Rituals and Social Bonding
- How Children Learn Cultural Conventions
- The Evolution of Social Complexity
- Quantifying the Neolithic Revolution
- Kate Atherton
- Ella Tebay
- Mark Gunther
- Rob Highman
- Recent Books
- Safety, Fieldwork and Ethics
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- Dr Alexandra Alvergne
- Professor Susana Carvalho
- Professor Morgan Clarke
- Professor Emma Cohen
- Professor Inge Daniels
- Dr Dace Dzenovska
- DPhil Fieldwork Arrangements
- Oxford University Anthropological Society
- Dr Paola Esposito
- Dr Elizabeth Ewart
- Dr Laura Fortunato
- The Hodgson Collection catalogue: complete and online
- Professor David Gellner
- Professor Andrew Gosler
- Professor Clare Harris
- Professor Elisabeth Hsu
- Nathan Grassi
- Antonella Surdi
- Sarah-Jane White
- Vicky Dean
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- Archaeology & Anthropology BA
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- Professor Michael Keith
- Dr Javier Lezaun
- Dr Christopher Morton
- Dr Zuzanna Olszewska
- Dr Robert Parkin
- Professor Laura Peers
- Our Students: On Course Information
- Visiting the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography
- Dr David Pratten
- Professor Ramon Sarró
- Professor Stanley Ulijaszek
- Professor Harvey Whitehouse
- DPhil Training & Resources
- Dr Krishna Adhikari
- Dr Rob Bellamy
- Dr Oliver Scott Curry
- Professor Carlos Vargas-Silva
- Professor David Zeitlyn
- Internal Resources (may require SSO)
- Professor Laura Van Broekhoven
- Dr Katarina Almeida-Warren
- Dr Charlotte Linton
- Cecilie Mueenuddin
- Dr Fahad Rahman
- Departmental Seminars
- Events
- COMPAS Seminars
- PRM Research Seminar in Visual, Material and Museum Anthropology
- Dr Nicholas Van Hear
- Dr Arran Davis
- Rachel Dlugatch
- Dr Ryan Foley
- Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford
- Current Issue
- Previous Issues
- Notes for Contributors
- History and Open-Access Policy
- Dr Adam Kenny
- Evans-Pritchard Lectures
- Special Lectures and Events
- Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity Seminars
- Duncan MacDonald-Korth
- Professor Roger Goodman
- Professor Laura Rival
- Hossein Mirrazi Renani
- Dr Seamus Montgomery
- Professor Alison Shaw
- Dr Johana Wyss
- Dr Martha Newson
- Dr Stephanie Postar
- Dr Nicholas Márquez-Grant
- Dr Sebastian Vacas-Oleas
- Hannah Rose Van Wely
- JASO Occasional Papers 1982-1993 and 2017
- JASO Index Vols I-X (1970-79)
- JASO 1970-1975
- JASO 1976-1979
- JASO 1980-1985
- JASO 1986-1989
- JASO 1990-1995
- JASO 1996-2000
- New Series: JASOonline 2009-2010
- JASOonline 2011-2015
- Dr Walter Armbrust
- Professor Dawn Chatty
- Dr Shirley Ardener
- Dr Sarah Spencer CBE
- Madeleine Sumption
- Professor David Parkin
- Professor Vernon Reynolds
- Professor Elizabeth Edwards
- Professor Peter Rivière
- Dr Elizabeth Hallam
- Professor Renée Hirschon
- Dr Konstantina Isidoros
- Photography and Tibet
- About Us
- Evolutionary Thinking in Medicine
- Departure and Emptiness in the Latvian Countryside
- The Museum on the Roof of the World
- Pulse Diagnosis in Early Chinese Medicine
- The African Photographic Archive
- This is Our Life
- Return: Nationalizing Transnational Mobility in Asia
- Professor Quentin Atkinson
- Professor Scott Atran
- Dr René Bobe
- Dr Sergey Gavrilets
- Professor Michele Gelfand
- Professor Peter Turchin
- Research
- Institute for Science, Innovation and Society
- Dr Elizabeth Rahman
- Professor Matthew Erie
- Professor Sondra Hausner
- Professor Cecilia Heyes
- Dr Philip Kreager
- Professor Anna Lora-Wainwright
- Dr Nicolette Makovicky
- Dr David Mills
- Dr Katherine Morris
- Dr Fernanda Pirie
- Dr Caroline Potter
- Professor Jason Stanyek
- Rebecca Wage
- Sandra Modh
- Dr Vibha Joshi Parkin
- Dr William Kelly
- Dr Dolores Martinez
- Professor Judith Okely
- Professor Stephen Oppenheimer
- Dr Elizabeth Tonkin
- Dr Soraya Tremayne
- Dr Paul Dresch
- Amazonian Anthropology
- Amazonian Anthropology - Ongoing Research Projects
- Amazonian Anthropology - Annual Events
- The Anthropology of Africa
- Ecology
- Fertility & Reproduction
- ArgO-EMR
- Approaches to Misfortune in Nepal
- Research Projects
- Biocultural Variation & Obesity
- Epistemologies of Healing
- Regional, Historical & Political Studies
- Vernacular Religion: Varieties of Religiosity in the Nepali Diaspora
- Fertility, Reproduction and Sexuality Series with Berghahn Publishers
- Oxford Martin Programme on Resource Stewardship (OMPORS)
- Oxford Programme for the Future of Cities
- Ritual, Community, and Conflict
- Ritual Modes: Divergent modes of ritual, social cohesion, prosociality, and conflict
- Museum Ethnography
- Explaining Religion
- Dr Chris Kavanagh
- Natural Governance Programme
- Eastern Medicines and Religions Seminar
- Undergraduate Studies
- MSc and MPhil Courses
- JASOonline 2016-2020
- JASO Volume V, No 1 (2013) Appendix
- The Social Body Lab
- Primate Models for Behavioural Evolution Lab
- Laura Fortunato's Lab
- Peter Healey
- Medical Anthropology Research Seminars
- Lord John Alderdice
- Caste, Class, and Culture
- Islam and New Kinship
- Dr Rohan Kapitány
- Lisa Bligh
- Dr Wolde Tadesse
- Evolutionary Nutritional Ecology
- Ethno-ecology
- Rajiv Narayan
- Dr Chihab El Khachab
- Working at Oxford Anthropology
- GTC Medical Anthropology Film and Discussion Group
- Rob McNeil
- Dr Andreza De Souza Santos
- Religion, Secularism, and Ethnicity in Contemporary Nepal
- Urban Transformations
- Dr Nicholas Simcik Arese
- Space and Society in Central Brazil
- Queer(ing) Popular Culture
- Raw material procurement for termite fishing tools by wild chimpanzees in the Issa valley, Western Tanzania
- Converging Soul Substances in South East Asia
- Ethno-ornithology
- The Cognitive and Cultural Foundations of Religion and Morality
- Dr Valerie van Mulukom
- OxDEG Seminar Series
- Megan Beardmore-Herd
- Dr Ridhi Kashyap
- PalEvo Seminars
- Professor Nayanika Mathur
- Dr Lucy Baehren
- Aneel Brar
- Dr Kathrin Fischer
- Niccolo Lollini
- Philippa Hammond
- Dr João Coelho
- Eveliina Kuitunen
- Christopher Sisca
- Dr Caroline Phillips
- Professor Pieter Francois
- Dr Idalina Baptista
- Professor Veronica Strang
- Dr Marilou Polymeropoulou
- Dr Ana Ranitovic
- Stochasticity in cultural evolution: a revolution yet to happen
- Dr Thomas Cousins
- Ritual, Play and Belief in Evolution and Early Human Societies
- Digital Food Activism
- Study with Us
- Research Funding
- PEAK Urban
- School of Europeanness
- Islam and Law in Lebanon
- Jacqui Broadhead
- Who Are 'We'?
- Global Nepalis: Religion, Culture, and Community in a New and Old Diaspora
- Professor Marcio Goldman
- The Inaugural Lecture by David Gellner as Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Oxford, 15 May 2009
- Professor Ruben Andersson
- Dr Oliver Owen
- Samuel Murison
- Angelo Marcelo Vasco
- Dr Jana Muschinski
- JC Niala
- Dr Lan Xiao
- Carlota Solà Marsiñach
- Dr Rose Stevens
- Alexander Blandford
- May Tamimova
- Dr Gabriella Kountourides
- Dr Mai Misaki
- The tree for living: a socio-cultural account of enset
- The arts of oil: a cultural history of Port Harcourt
- Militant masks: youth, performance and insecurity in Nigeria
- Divination: spiders, crabs and other technologies of choice
- Reading between the lines
- Dr Yasmeen Arif
- A mediating capacity
- Dr Andreas Bjorklund
- Benedict Taylor-Green
- iSimangaliso Humanities Hub
- Urban animals, human livelihoods and health in the global south: a trans-species approach
- Blow-up in Bissau: Images and Memories of a National Ethnographic Museum in Bissau
- Mangroves and aluminium: environmental and socio-cultural resilience on the coast of the Republic of Guinea
- Dr Alejandra Pascual-Garrido
- Professor Barbaro Martinez-Ruiz
- Professor Michael Cowan
- Dr Barbara Muzzulini
- Dr Alexander Mielke
- Maoist People's War and the Revolution of Everyday Life in Nepal
- Editorial Board
- Forms
- Lecture list
- Frequent questions (DPhil Research)
- DPhil in Migration Studies
- Efrat Goldshmid
- Dr Paula Sheppard
- Dr Timothy Clack
- Suhaila Al Behandy
- Dr Sophie Berdugo
- Dr Christopher Chapman
- Hannah Eastham
- Dr Julia Ebner
- Robert Jagiello
- Ilse Pit
- Xuanqi Fong
- Keiko Kanno
- Dr Wesam Hassan
- Zhan Huang
- Freya Hope
- Dr Julio Rodríguez Stimson
- Hongshang Wang
- Vithya Subramaniam
- Dr Yuxin Peng
- Karl Dudman
- Yinglei Chen
- Kevin Wang
- Dr Asli Salihoglu
- Dr Domiziana Turcatti
- Gilda Borriello
- M.N. Srinivas Professorship in the Anthropology of India
- What are Exhibitions For? An Anthropological Approach
- Dr Bastian Thomsen
- Dr Ina Zharkevich
- UNIQ Summer Schools
- Dr Denis Kierans
- Hope Parkin
- Dr Jerome Ravetz
- Mambila Divination: Framing Questions, Constructing Answers
- Professor Steve Woolgar
- Dr Oliver Geden
- Dr Stefan Schäfer
- Dr Felice Wyndham
- Dr Tanja Schneider
- Dr Mariña Fernández-Reino
- Dr Bhawani Buswala
- Dr Anja Simonsen
- Dr Samuel Chen
- Dr Bani Gill
- Dr Marie Mallet-Garcia
- Dr Peter Walsh
- The Dalit Search for Dignity: State, Society, and Mobilization from Below in Far West Nepal
- Dr Emmanouil Pratsinakis
- Disobedient Buildings
- BA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022/23 Call
- Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowships 2025
- Dr Di Wu
- Emptiness: Living Capitalism and Democracy After (Post)socialism
- Dr Lena Rose
- Room bookings
- Professor Elaine Reese
- Warm congratulations to all our new Professors!
- Dalton Price
- Loki Hu
- Dr Elodie Freymann
- Gabriele Paone
- Xi Zhang
- Ana Alanis Amaya
- Kristen McCollum
- Roxana Akhmetova
- Ewen MacArthur
- Jacinto Mathe
- Michelle Chew
- Jonas Elbousty
- Inky Gibbens
- Sabrina Illiano
- Aasiya Kazi
- Zenobie Van De Perre
- Jordan Gorenberg
- Andrés González Dinamarca
- Judit Molnár
- Dr Dominic Martin
- Dr Volodymyr Artiukh
- Dr Jose Maria Valenzuela
- Dr Lina Beatriz Pinto García
- Dr James Palmer
- Course themes
- Course structure (VMMA)
- Teaching & the Pitt Rivers Museum
- Further study
- Dissertation topics
- Dr Alejandro Reig
- The Social Science of Malaria Control
- Studying the origins of perishable technology
- On Course Materials
- The Pearl of Dari: Poetry and Personhood among Young Afghans in Iran
- Owners of the Map: Motorcycle Taxi Drivers, Mobility, and Politics in Bangkok
- Making Film in Egypt: How Labor, Technology, And Mediation Shape The Industry
- Visual Histories Of South Asia
- Ethnographies of Uncertainty in Africa
- Diversifying Portraiture
- Social Anthropology
- What is social anthropology?
- Course structure (soc anth)
- Further study (soc anth)
- Teaching staff (soc anth)
- Anatomy Museum: Death and the Body Displayed
- Cousin Marriages: Between Tradition, Genetic Risk and Cultural Change
- The Politics of Memory: Urban Cultural Heritage in Brazil
- Huaorani Transformations in Twenty-First-Century Ecuador: Treks into the Future of Time
- Refugia: Radical Solutions to Mass Displacement
- Atlantic Perspectives: Places, Spirits and Heritage
- UNIQ Summer School
- The Anthropological Lens: Rethinking E.E. Evans-Pritchard
- Performing Tibetan Identities
- Professor Richard Vokes
- Mel Goodchild
- Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology
- Course structure (MSc CEA)
- Teaching staff & labs (MSc CEA)
- Further study (MSc CEA)
- Visit the Pitt Rivers Museum
- Dissertation topics (MSc CEA)
- London Anthropology Day 2021
- Dr Jessica Omukuti
- The Oxford-Berlin research partnership
- Uprooting the Anthropocene: (re-)centring trees in tree-human relationships
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024
- Cameroon with a view
- Dr Karin Kapadia
- Rules and ethics: Perspectives from anthropology and history
- Teaching staff (VMMA)
- Open Day 17 Sept 2021
- Dr Maxim Bolt
- Communication as Emergence and Possibility
- No. 1 in the Guardian's best UK universities for anthropology league table
- Visual, Material, and Museum Anthropology (VMMA)
- Dr Matthew Porges
- O2RB Excellence in Impact Awards 2021 – Winners announced
- The 4th Lévi-Strauss Memorial Lecture will be presented by Ramon Sarró on 21 October
- Dr Chantelle Lewis
- PEAK Urban at COP26
- DPhil Research: JC Niala
- What Delhi’s Drains and Plastics teach us about informality and resilience in today’s cities
- Dr Sara Nawaz
- Artificial intelligence used to identify primate behaviours in the wild
- Exploring the experiences of London's Latin America migrants in Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic
- Histories of Oxford Anthropology Project (HOAP)
- HOAP Project summary & call for Expressions of Interest
- Congratulations to Susana Carvalho on becoming Professor of Paleoanthropology
- Susana Kolb Cadwell
- Femke Vulto
- Chloe Curtis
- Tanuj Luthra
- Princess Banda
- Alaba Angole
- Felix Rolt
- Siyu Tang
- Mathilde Morin
- Yong Han Poh
- Iliriana Blakaj
- Peyton Cherry
- Simone Delzin
- Tsovinar Kuiumchian
- Nana Oforiatta Ayim
- Isaiah Wellington-Lynn
- Zehra Senem Dalay
- Ruta Nimkar
- Abril Rios Rivera
- Maria Gunko
- Vittorio Bruni
- Rose Campion
- Laura Bergin
- Zhixuan Huang
- Aishwarya Mukhopadhyay
- Xin Qu
- Zoe Zielke
- The Ritual Animal: Imitation and Cohesion in the Evolution of Social Complexity
- Professor Madeleine Reeves
- Austen Fisher
- DPhil Research - List of thesis titles
- DPhil Research: Siyu Tang
- A new exhibition curated by Elizabeth Hallam held in Melbourne
- Andrew Macdonald
- CSSC has been awarded a Leverhulme grant to investigate how to halt and reverse ongoing nature and biodiversity loss
- Catherine Lieben
- Handbooks
- DPhil research: Gabriella Kountourides
- Human Sciences Symposium 2022 on Happiness - 2pm-5pm, Sat 5 Mar (online)
- Postdoctoral Research in The Conversation
- Emma Cohen awarded a Social Sciences Division Engagement Fellowship
- How Kinship Systems Change: On the Dialectics of Practice and Classification
- South Asia in Transition: An Introduction to the Social Anthropology of a Subcontinent
- JASOonline 2021-
- ESRC DTP Postdoctoral Fellowships 2025
- Fieldwork in Gorongosa
- Dr Suleiman Halasah
- A tribute to our alumnus Antonian Mantas Kvedaravicius (1976 – 2022)
- The Disobedient Buildings Podcast joins the Oxford Podcasts stream
- Dr Jennifer Larson
- Teaching Excellence Awards 2022 - Congratulations to Caroline Phillips and William Kelly!
- Dr Fiona Bowie
- Dr Rosalie Allain
- School Governance
- ESRC Responsive Mode: New Investigator Grant
- ERC – Starting Grants 2023
- Re-Creating Anthropology. Sociality, Matter, and the Imagination
- Volume of the Association of Social Anthropologists ASA2018 conference published
- test images page
- The Legacy of Maqdala 1868 at the Bodleian Library
- Harriet Ngubane: Zulu woman anthropologist
- Jessica Omukuti on the UN High-Level Expert Group on the Net-Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Entities
- COP26 put the world on a difficult path to net zero
- Following Norberg-Schulz: An Architectural History through the Essay Film
- Chinese Medicine in East Africa: An Intimacy with Strangers
- Congratulations to our new Professors, Emma Cohen and Ramon Sarró!
- Unholy Catholic Ireland: Religious Hypocrisy, Secular Morality, and Irish Irreligion
- The Transformative Materiality of Meaning-Making
- The Everyday Lives of Sovereignty: Political Imagination Beyond the State
- Crooked Cats: Beastly Encounters in the Anthropocene
- Going Dark: The Secret Social Lives of Extremists
- Affective Encounters: Everyday Life among Chinese Migrants in Zambia
- Professor Eben Kirksey
- Dr Emily Stevenson
- Raju Bhatt
- Kimberly Schoemaker
- Organic tools of chimpanzees advance the search for the origin of percussive technology
- Lan Duo (Dora)
- Marguerite de Villiers
- Anika Kabani
- Dr Fuyubi Nakamura has won the American Anthropological Association’s Council of Museum Anthropology’s 2022 Michael M. Ames Prize for Innovative Museum Anthropology
- Natasha Durie
- Guilherme Figueiredo
- Clara Fortes Brandao
- Kseniia Gavrilova
- Róisín Kennelly
- Sacha Mouzin
- Seijiro Takahashi
- C. Ryan Smith
- Beatrice Juskaite
- Abhishek Saha
- ESRC Migration Studies Studentships 2023-24
- Graduate Open Day, 25 Nov 2022
- InSIS Research Fellows at COP27
- Josiane Matar
- Frederike Brockhoven
- Elisa Mosler Vidal
- Joséphine Robert
- Jingsi Wang
- Gaia Ardizzone
- Beatriz Mutter Quinderé Fraga
- Dr Juliet Bedford wins the Marsh Award for Anthropology in the World 2022
- Dr Laura Haapio-Kirk
- Oxford in the ‘New World’. Notes for a genealogy of the anthropology of South America
- Register now for webinar on Monday 12 December for prospective applicants for ESRC DTP studentships
- University of Oxford Researcher Stories: Understanding migration in the UK by Madeleine Sumption
- Ben Tams
- Delphine Boagey
- JASO Volume XIV is now published
- Unmasked - spirit in the city: An exhibition by David Pratten and Zina Saro-Wiwa
- British Academy International Fellowships 2025
- ERC Starting Grants 2025
- British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024/2025 competition
- Professor Scott Lash
- The School welcomes Thomas Püschel, the new Associate Professor in Evolutionary Anthropology
- Dr Kenichi Tani
- Anthropology ranked 1st in the QS World University Rankings 2023
- Student funds & awards
- Anthropology, Philosophy and Symmetrisation
- The latest volume of TRAJECTORIA is now published
- Decolonising the Museum: Digital Repatriation of the Gaidinliu Collection from the UK to India (DiMuse)
- Dr Daniel Schofield
- Race, racism and reproduction in the NHS maternity system
- Telling people what they already know: Some reflections on ethnographic working in mental healthcare systems
- (Way)finding Everest: Mobile media and map apps in repertoires of contemporary trekking
- Dr Lennon Mhishi
- 'She Waves at Me', a film by Inge Daniels: Film screening and discussion
- Making Anthropological Soup! New Books Celebrating Eclectic Concepts
- The future of Palestine’s recycling hub: between promise and peril
- One of Oxford’s first Ukrainian scholars talks about her year in Oxford, and being President of the University’s Ukrainian Society
- Current Vacancies at SAME
- Oxford Profile: Prof Carlos Vargas-Silva, Director of COMPAS
- Five things you probably didn't know about periods
- Welcome to Dr Lys Alcayna-Stevens
- Global Art in Local Art Worlds: Changing Hierarchies of Value
- Emma Stell
- Oxford | Berlin Autumn School on Open and Responsible Research
- Supporting Research in Vanuatu and the Pacific Island Region
- Dr Michael Gantley
- Dr Thomas A. Püschel
- Kinshasa Book Launch: Inventing an African Alphabet by Ramon Sarro
- test embed
- Bronze Athena Swan Award for the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography
- Professor Mark Goodale
- Doctoral student's film with BBC Ideas reaches a quarter of a million views!
- Dr Miriam Driessen
- Dr Maria Paula Prates
- Professor Paul Basu
- Dr Michal Misiak
- Dr Susan MacDougall
- Welcome to Professor Paul Basu
- Charismatic Bureaucracy: Politics and Government in Zambia’s Christian Nationalist Movement
- Transylvanian temporalities: bringing new life to Saxon sites
- Collaborative ethnography and gender violence: debating with Spanish Romani women
- The Moral Economy of Infrastructures in Everest Tourism
- Stepping in, helping out, competing with…? State and civic actors in Ukraine’s wartime heritage work
- Pentecostalism, Deliverance and Queer Sexuality in Nigeria: Literary Representations
- The present and the future in the present: Religion, Values and Climate Change
- American mal-nutrition: Interventions into the science and policy of maternal health
- 'P' for Policy: Migration Policy and the Academy
- 'S' for Society: Exchange, Impact and Empowerment
- The Future of Migration Research: Where Next?
- Genesis (and Revelations?)
- Emotions in international food law
- Why is there a higher prevalence of overweight and obesity in rural areas? A qualitative study of rural children's perspectives of rural foodways
- Soda science: How coke created a global science of exercise for obesity (1995-2015) and why it matters today
- Racial/ethnic and socioeconomic disparities for childhood obesity
- CANCELLED: The stakes around bariatric surgery in France : a critical sociology of the medical community and of public policies
- When the measure becomes the metric: making sense of the body mass index in research and practice
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- Female Body Parts as Drugs in Ming China
- The Art of Giving Birth in Chinese Medical Texts
- Inge Daniels' short film 'She Waves at Me' has been selected for screening in two international film festivals
- Digital Unsettling: Decoloniality and Dispossession in the Age of Social Media
- Whatever works: digital ethnography as a flat methodology
- Structure and Function in Modern Society: On the Power of Social Anthropology in a Big Data World
- User Researchers, Partitions of Mattering, and the Development of Videogames
- Academic Facilitation of the Trade in Asian Cultural Objects
- Materialising a multi-planetary civilization: producing the 'inevitable' in Low Earth Orbit
- Sketching Brains. A Participant Graphic Anthropology of Neurosurgery
- ‘Worrying the Mask’: a performance-lecture-film
- Audio-visual Justice: Making Sense of the Law in Guinea
- A cinema of renewal
- The Handmade Film and the Craft of Anthropology: Reflections on Practice
- The Anticolonial Museum: tackling the borders of the modern/colonial paradigm
- New Series of the Oxford Anthropology Podcast
- Dr Vibe Nielsen
- Dr Maaret Jokela-Pansini
- Dr Marie Godin
- Dr Idhamsyah Eka Putra
- Dr Marija Norkunaite
- Paul Basu’s latest film ‘Ichi: Marks in Time’ selected for screening at two international film festivals
- Barbara Abrahao
- Dr Lys Alcayna-Stevens
- Professor Nirmala Menon
- New Series of the Disobedient Buildings Podcast
- Book Launch: "The Work of Repair" by Thomas Cousins
- Influential and life-changing research recognised
- Alma Katz
- Ibrahim Ince
- Margaux Zandona
- Osakhare Omoregie
- Oskar Schortz
- Rachel Hurwitz
- Ara Eagan
- Shreetoma Biswas
- Xiaoyu Song
- Yuen Chan
- William Gmayi
- Tackling Obesity – are we nearly there yet?
- Erick Moreno Superlano
- Alessandra Enrico Headrington
- Rima Kalush
- Maria Murad
- Ariella Strauss
- Devaki Vadakepat Menon
- Yasmynn Chowdhury
- Professor Martin Hewitt
- Nautilus Feature: 'Digging for Our Origins in the Bone Beds of an African Park'
- A new collaborative artwork opens at Gallery North, Newcastle
- The Work of Repair: Capacity after Colonialism in the Timber Plantations of South Africa (Thinking from Elsewhere)
- Work to predict extreme violence amongst online users wins MRS Presidents Medal
- 'Evangelical Gitanos are a Good Catch': Masculinity, Authority, and Flirting in Spain
- Finding One's Place at University: The Case of Dalit Students in South Asia
- Genealogies of Extractivist Entanglement in Bolivia
- The King of the Arena: Sport, Spectacle and Celebrity in Senegal
- Extracting Vitalities: Indigenous Women and Reproductive Health
- National Showing Off and Telling Off: Ethnology, Anthropology and the Humboldt Forum
- Exploring Macro-evolutionary Trends in Human and Primate Evolution
- The Diagnostic Divide: Molecular Psychiatry, PTSD, and Ethical Dilemmas in Disaster Mental Health Response in Japan
- Rethinking eating disorders: What can anthropology bring?
- What are eating disorders? The cognitive interpersonal model revisited
- The kidney and the cane: Planetary health and the limits of life support in Nicaragua’s Sugarcane Zone
- Medical anthropology in ecological perspective
- Losing hope: The ethical crucible of eating disorders treatment in America
- Ecological models of obesity
- Ecological systems theory and childhood obesity
- 2023 edition of the Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford out now
- Research
- Fangji 方剂 (Foumulae) for Causing Qihua 气化 (Qi Transformations)
- Taiji Quan 太极拳 (Boxing Movements) for Generating and Multiplying Qi
- Zhenjiu 针灸 (Acupuncture) Needling and Moxibustion for Attuning Qi
- Tuina推拿 (Massage) Techniques for Pushing and Grasping the Qi
- Racism, Not Race: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions; Health Disparities
- 'Cost-of-living’ Crisis For All; Help Only For Some
- Lived Experience Panel - Hearing From Experts by Experience
- Open for the Childless Skilled Only: the UK’s Post-Brexit Migration Regime in the European Context
- Towards a History of the Immigration-Welfare Nexus in Britain
- Current Research
- Digital Eating - A new series of the UBVO Podcast
- Impact and Engagement
- Script ethnography: narrating the extramoral politics of Egypt's media industry
- Praxis approaches towards the decolonisation of African ethnographic collections at Manchester Museum
- Cryo-visuals and imaging Everest ice
- Digital fashionistas: young women, wealth-in-followers and matronage in Yaoundé, Cameroon
- Argonauts unbound: artefactual histories for the 21st Century
- From the erotics of anthropological representation to the tickle of portraiture. Portraits in and out of the archive: What do names have to do with it?
- Bodies of Evidence: Death, Display, and the Legacies of the Late-Victorian Archive
- Revisiting Amami Ōshima’s social-ecological heritage through the lens of an American photo archive
- Introduction to new seminar series
- Did it really all happen at the coast? Impacts of Late Quaternary hydrological shifts on Middle Stone Age human mobility and landscape use in the Southern Africa desert interior
- Infectious disease in the Pleistocene: old friend or foe
- When the apes started to move upright: origin and evolution of orthograde behaviours
- Using volcanic ash to synchronise and date palaeoenvironmental and archaeological records in NW Africa
- Divergent learning explains variation in chimpanzee tool use efficiency
- Agencies of behavioural change in early humans in North Africa
- Graduate Research Seminar Workshop 1 HT24
- New Seminar Series: PalEvo
- Dr Joshua Bamford
- New Publication: Understanding Obesity
- Impact Case Study: PEAK Urban
- Impact Case Study: Activating Art for Tibetan (Self-)Representation and Collaboration in UK Museums
- Understanding Obesity
- Impact Case Study: Inclusion of irregular and destitute migrants in European city policies and practices
- New Series of the Oxford Anthropology Podcast
- Mobility
- Book Launch: Celebrating the publication of 'Understanding Obesity' by Stanley Ulijaszek
- Dr Michael Gilmont
- Bodies
- Alice Catanzaro
- Dr Ilka Vari-Lavoisier
- New endowed position in SAME: The Wendy James Associate Professorship in Evolutionary Anthropology, with a Tutorial Fellowship at St Hugh’s College
- Species of Justice: Closing Reception
- The evolution of human sociality: insights from hunter-gatherers, computer simulations, and meerkats
- School of Anthropology & Museum Ethnography: Use of cookies on this website
- African Demography, Immigration, and Xenophobic Populist Ideology in France
- White Eagle, Black Eagle: Ethnic Relations in the German-Polish Borderlands
- Evans-Pritchard Lectures 2024 - Witchcraft, “Witch Camps”, and Social Life in Northern Ghana
- Evans-Pritchard Lectures 2024 - Witchcraft, Shrines, and Tindaanship
- Evans-Pritchard Lectures 2024 - “Witches” and the Humanitarian World: NGOs, Churches, and the State
- Evans-Pritchard Lectures 2024 - Living in “Witch Camps”: Experiences of Accused Witches and the Moral Economy of Songsim
- Dr José Ignacio Carrasco
- Dr Polina Vlasenko
- Dr Ben Brindle
- Dr Myriam Cherti
- Dr Shahnoza Nozimova
- Dr Sanne van Oosten
- News
- Current Students
- Privacy
- Dr Akira Shah
- Book Talk: Haunting Biology
- School ranked No. 1 for Anthropology in QS World University Rankings 2024
- A gap in the law for ethical acts: Russian theories and practice of illiberal modern life
- The Power of the (An)archive: Art as resistance to (re-)colonial epistemic violence in Ukraine’s industrial East
- Foraging, messy commons, and the fuzzy fringes of capitalism
- Value and violence in the making of Ukraine’s war economy
- Contrasting Balkan utopias: Navigating migration and futurity in the physical remnants of Yugoslavia
- Dr Brian Klaas
- The many lives of the Asante Ewers: From medieval England to West Africa and back
- ‘It’s a complicated relationship’: Post-imperial Irish heritage in the shadow of Britain
- Queer objects to the rescue: Intimacy and citizenship in Kenya
- ‘Your president is now a picture’: The image as utopian democracy in Nigeria
- The politics of demographic imagination
- Understanding obesity
- Ozempic and the escape from hunger
- Book Launch - ‘The politics of potential’
- The stakes around bariatric surgery in France: a critical sociology of the medical community and of public policies
- Study reveals how humanity could unite to address global challenges
- Alpa Shah announced as new Statutory Professor in Social Anthropology
- Workshop: Comparative Perspectives on the Calling
- Social stones: uncovering information exchange in the Middle Palaeolithic through computational archaeology
- Landscapes of xeno-fear: a conceptual framework of territoriality and inter-group relationships in primates
- Stress-adapted is not impaired: identifying and leveraging stress-adapted skills in children
- Origin Africa: A Natural History - introduction to the book
- Why is it odd that humans live in large groups?
- End of year celebration
- 2nd Annual PalEvo-PalMeso Lecture: Geoanthropology - long-term human interactions with the Earth system
- Panel Discussion | Migration Governance in the Global South: Setting the Scene
- Equal Partnerships: African Intermediary Cities as Actors in Urban Migration Governance
- The Governance of Migration Data in Africa: Lessons from Different Initiatives: the African Union Migration Observatories and the African Migration Data Network
- Panel Discussion | Migration Governance in the Mediterranean Region: Setting a New Agenda?
- Sanctuary Policies for Irregular Migrants in European Cities: Dismantling the Fortress from the Ground Up?
- How can multi-stakeholder partnerships support refugees and migrants with irregular status in African intermediary cities?
- Irregularisation and the city: Insights from the case of Athens, Greece
- Juggling a "parallel welfare system": local government responses to migrants' locked out of the welfare safety net
- In conversation with TCM practitioners in the PRC and UK: Reflections on researching du 毒 (poisons)
- Becoming a "big cow (大奶牛)": Exploring scientific motherhood, maternal subjectivities and the lactating body through the embodied experience of breastfeeding
- Announcement: Professor Wendy James FBA
- Fieldwork Q&A with DPhil student Gabriele Paone
- Professor David Zeitlyn wins Curl Essay Prize 2023
- The Borders of Capitalism: Technology, Governance, Migration
- Dr Dor Shilton
- Dr Lidia Sciama (1932-2024)
- Professor Carlos Alvarado Quesada
- New Publication: Inheritance
- Dr Chigusa Yamaura
- Professor Sir Peter Gluckman
- Dr Bronwyn Tarr
- Study reveals chimpanzees seek out medicinal plants to treat illness and injuries
- Inheritance, The Evolutionary Origins of the Modern World
- Dr Jonathan Leach
- Annual Newsletter 2023-24
- Dr Susann Kassem
- Dr Aaron Greenhouse-Tucknott
- Anetta Pieronek
- Thomas Edgeworth
- Dr Linus Peitz
- Professor Chris Beedie
- Professor Robert Barnes
- The surprising benefits of exercising with friends
- Professor David Gellner elected to the British Academy
- Dr Jaeyoung Kim
- Thomas Kwong
- Geoff Ma
- Dr Isaac Schamberg
- Collaborative approach wins British Forum for Ethnomusicology student prize
- Paul Basu receives Curatorial Excellence Award
- 'Urgent and concerted conservation action' needed to protect chimpanzee nut cracking populations in Guinea
- Dr Claire White
- Welcome to Professor Ann Kelly
- The Marett Memorial Lecture 2024
- Professor Alpa Shah
- Dr Shireen Walton
- Pluriversal anthropologies? Different ways of knowing and regenerative scholarship
- What can an art-science collaboration tell us about the acoustic ecology of Okinawa’s military bases?
- Holding space as magic: The spiritual background of leadership development facilitation
- "I’ve Heard I’m Characterless”: Scandal, Social Media, and Mediated Talk Back in Rural India
- A kinaesthetic eye and sensory montages in a butoh dance class
- The 'right' kinds of knowledge: what anthropology can tell us about the far right, and what the far right can tell us about anthropology
- Caste, class, gender, and the prison: the silent predicament of inmates’ relatives in a Nepalese marketplace
- A Peripheral Presence and an Expressive Idiom: ‘Adil Imam in the January 25th Revolution
- Professor Ann Kelly
- Making the Invisible Visible: Economic Sanctions and Graphic Novellas & Jina is Jina
- Ex Machina: Emotional Break-Ups and Digital Breakdown with AI Companions
- Filling in with Fire: Time, Community, and Redevelopment in a Loyalist District of Belfast
- Art & Soil Politics
- Weaving Geometries: Generation and Regeneration through Basket-Weaving
- Visually Mediating Kashmir: The Circulation of Photographs on Digital Media Platforms
- Landscapes Made Visible: Seeing in the Mind’s Eye for the Non-Congenitally Sight Impaired
- Healing as awakening: the Mendrub ritual of the global Tibetan Bonpo community
- Mendrub - A Bonpo ritual for the empowerment of medicine performed in Phoksumdo, Dolpo
- Medicinal Accomplishment and related rituals in the Nyingma Dudjom tradition
- Singularity and multiplicity in Ladakhi mendrub practices
- Weight Stigma: Implications for policy and practice
- Preventing Obesity by Design (POD): An environment-behaviour health strategy for young children in child care
- Long-term effects of childhood nutrition: Evidence from a school lunch reform in Sweden
- Weight stigma, disordered eating, and body weight in the U.S. Military
- Creating accessible care environments: Navigating the complexities of care for patients living with obesity in healthcare settings
- Why are food systems failing and what can we do about it?
- The evolution of hominin body mass and canine size sexual dimorphism
- Palaeolithic ergonomics: How our ancestors gripped the past
- Ice Age Re(wilding): Animal Translocation, Extinction, and Bone Making Tool Making in the Pacific
- Plant Materials as Tools for Wild Chimpanzees: Reconsidering Hominin Technical Evolution
- The radiation and geographic expansion of primates through diverse climates
- Icthyoarchaeology and Human Dispersals in Island Southeast Asia and the Pacific
- The Ape and the First World: An Emerging New Comparative Model for Language Evolution
- Paper that raises critical issues on health care in India wins prestigious prize
- Leave Your Mark Exhibition
- Empires we lose: why an English woman in Boston has nowhere to go
- Linking multiscalar contestations over place in Peterborough, Brighton and Yiddishland
- Northern Exposure: Race, Nation and Disaffection in Post-Brexit Wakefield
- Northern Exposure presents: From Where We Stand
- “It can’t get any worse”: Imagining the opportunity to be political throughout Brexit
- “There must be something better than here”: the role of place in shaping the mobility aspirations of young people in coastal towns
- From the ground up: Faultlines of war and peace in rural England
- New Frontiers of Ethnographic Fieldwork
- New Frontiers of Ethnographic Fieldwork: Financial Elites
- New Frontiers of Ethnographic Fieldwork: Hackers
- New Frontiers of Ethnographic Fieldwork: Multispecies
- New Frontiers of Ethnographic Fieldwork: Far-right
- New Frontiers of Ethnographic Fieldwork: Prisons
- “Ni es lo mismo, ni es igual” Ecuadorian irregular migrants in Amsterdam and Madrid
- Urban policies in support of undocumented migrants and their formulation process
- Exploring post-2014 immigrant integration policies and governance in small and medium-size towns and rural areas in Europe
- Nikita Cooke-Smith
- Dr Dolores Senorans
- Dr Elspeth Davies
- Dr Benjamin Hegarty
- Are autodemarcações refusal? Imagining the future with the Tuxá community of São Francisco River, Brazil
- Book Launch: "A Genealogy of Method" by Sondra L. Hausner
- Professor Dimitrios Theodossopoulos
- Digital Ethnography in COVID-19: Improvisation and Intimacy
- Publication Ethics
- Understanding contemporary China through digital anthropology
- Creating spaces for romance: Technological rituals among Berlin dating app users
- Hybrid Families: Gender, Work, and Family in the UK Tech Sector
- Alexandra Atkeson
- Ogden Olivas
- Fiona Asokacitta
- Rawan Alfuraih روان الفريح
- Edoardo Chidichimo
- Reece Hammond
- Yaroslava Bukhta
- Ouzra Karimi
- Xiangyu Long
- Michael Murphy
- Muhammed Zeyn
- Shannon Lin
- Mercedes Baptiste Halliday
- Maxime Bourdier
- Binli Dai
- Yueng Suen
- Chimin Oh
- Meera Menon Pattaruveettil
- Cody Skahan
- Zhixin Wan
- Zoe Bantleman
- Gemma Naveja Romero
- AnthroFilm Screening: São Palco – an Afropolitan City – film by Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji and Jasper Chalcraft
- Social bonds built by football coaching in prisons found to help reduce reoffending
- The 'Humble Brick' receives UKRI funding
- Book Launch: "Capitalist Colonial: Thai Migrant Workers in Israeli Agriculture" by Matan Kaminer
- Dr Antonio Montañés Jiménez
- Professor Pascal Menoret
- Disobedient Buildings share their unique methodological approach to research
- Dr Julia Ebner named 'Austrian of the Year 2024'
- Dr Priya Sajjad
- Dr Stephen Hughes
- Dr Alice Millington
- Dr Anthony Howarth
- Professor Alpa Shah’s book The Incarcerations shortlisted for the Moore Prize
- Science in a Crisis: Assembling knowledge and action in a volcanic colony
- Welcome Dr Shireen Walton
- Study shows brains grew faster as humans evolved
- Studying Divination
- Lack of partner support is the most important reason for delaying having children in the UK
- Estate Logics and the Reproduction of Global Capitalism
- New exhibition dedicated to divination explores our universal need to find answers
- Dr Lukas Reinhardt
- Rachael Rees
- 2024 edition of the Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford out now
- Welcome Dr Yasmeen Arif
- Mba’ekuaa: Rethinking multimodal methods with Guarani and Kaiowá communities in Brazil
- Visually mediating Kashmir: The circulation of photographs on digital media platforms
- (Un)making relics: Fragments of lost lives and the inadequate work of recollection (with reference to a harpoon head carved from caribou antler presently in the collections of the British Museum)
- ‘Oracles, Omens & Answers’: The curators’ story
- Screen/life: What time is the digital?
- Ruins, forests, and other shadows: Reflections on Kongo heritage
- How do I bring you home? Seeking ancestral relations in Himalayan ‘type’ photography
- Towards a meta-archive: Working with colonial sound recordings in the postcolonial era
- A scholar-practitioner’s reflections on pulse diagnostics in traditional Chinese medicine
- Revisiting 'The Telling Touch'
- Taking the pulse between Early Modern China and Europe: The Drifting Touch
- The Monstrous and the Mortal Pulses: guaimai 怪脈 as recorded by Michał Boym (1612-1659)
- Freedom, Precarity, and Debt: Ethnographic Research on Platform-Based Taxi Drivers and Food Delivery Riders in China
- Middle Tech: Software work and the culture of good enough
- The World of Wikipedia: Research, Teaching, and Social Engagement
- OxDEG Seminar Week 8: Title TBC
- Some chimpanzees are better at cracking nuts than others
- The Politics of Rain: Political violence and the potential for new life in the Palestine Anthropocene
- The Undergrowth: Plotting human-plant futures from Uganda
- Benedictine Hydropower: A mode of rural electrification in Tanzania
- CANCELLED: Prototyping Environmental Justice: Ancient trees, new knowledge, and the hidden politics of ethnographic data
- Trading Zones Between Thick and Thin: Anthropological description as scaffold or mosaic
- Staple Strategies: Food crisis and the struggle for millet in Senegal
- The Post-Global City: South-South geographies and political affects in Kinshasa's emerging tech scene
- Embodying Emptiness: Enskillment and the artistic imagination in Japan
- Migration Narratives: What They Are and Why They Matter
- Visualization Choices About Refugees Have Delimited Impacts Along Partisan Lines
- Quantitative Approaches to Measuring Migration Narrative and Potential Uses of AI
- Narrative and Misinformation Response
- Seeing Stories: Can We Visualise Public Migration Narratives, And If So, How?
- Evolutionary adaptations of the pelvis: Insights from extant primates and hominins
- Oxford University Anthropological Society events
- OUAS Welcome back Pizza Party!
- OUAS Connections: Hunters and Bombers: a film screening and discussion
- OUAS Connections: Boaters' recent political struggles and the social life of the waterways
- Chat with professors: Careers, Academia, and Stories from the field
- Chat with professors Wk 6: Careers, Academia, and Stories from the field
- Chat with professors Wk 7: Careers, Academia, and Stories from the field
- Chimpanzee Self-Medication and Relevant Natural History Approaches
- Professor Pascal Boyer
- From Bone Biology to Behaviour: Using Internal Bone Microstructure to Infer Movement in Fossil Hominins
- Digitising the Acheulean: Regional and Temporal Variation in British Handaxe Assemblages during MIS 11
- Chimpanzee Archaeology: Expanding Perspectives on Hominin Life Beyond Stone Tools
- The Roots of Cultural Diversity
- Applying Cultural Evolution Theory to Sustainability Challenges: An Example from Zanzibar
- Thresholds of Touch
- Human Nature, Society, and the Future of Humanity
- The Incarcerations: BK-16 and the Search for Democracy in India
- Professor Alpa Shah talks about her acclaimed book The Incarcerations at the Oxford Literary Festival
- Divination, Oracles & Omens
- Dr Charlotte Hoskins
- The introduction of Chinese pulse diagnostics into 18th century Naples
- Book launch: "From Triads to Pentads: Modelling Myth and Kinship in the Work of NJ Allen", edited by Robert Parkin