Notes for Contributors

General notes and policy

  1. The purpose of JASO-Online is to provide a forum for the publication of research and views of interest to anthropologists.
  2. The journal is run in association with the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography and the Oxford University Anthropology Society. Numbers in the series may be downloaded free from the relevant website. Authors will not receive any payment for their contributions, whether in the form of fees or royalties.
  3. The Editor(s) will make every effort to ensure that contributions do not offend either the law or good academic practice with regard to libel, plagiarism or improper citation.
  4. Articles in JASO-Online are copyright protected. Authors retain the copyright but license publication in JASO normally under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence (see In special circumstances we will consider other licences.
  5. It is the responsibility of the Author to get permission to include third party material (such as maps, photos and illustrations). See section below.
  6. Authors are free to do the following: they may place a copy of their article in a subject or institutional repository subject to including a statement that the article is copyrighted and including the URL of the JASO-Online publication. They may republish their articles elsewhere free of charge on condition that JASO is credited and including the URL of the JASO-Online publication.
  7. Reasonable copying for educational purposes within the relevant guidelines is permitted without prior reference to the Editor(s).
  8. Contributors will be regarded as having accepted these conditions, as well as any listed below, when they offer a paper for consideration.

Submission and peer-review

  1. Contributions should be no more than 10,000 words in length, including notes and references. They should be submitted electronically to the Editorial Committee as email attachments to
    Appendices may include tables, photos and small amounts of digital video or sound recordings subject to the agreement of the Editors. Large media files should be sent separately using a file-transfer service.
  2. Contributions are peer reviewed.  To enable this, abstract and cover sheet with authors name and affiliation should be sent separately from the main text which should NOT contain the author’s name. If there are self-citations in the bibliography, these should be included as Author.
  3. JASO does not undertake in advance to accept for publication any contribution offered to it. In particular, contributions should be written in sufficiently good English to require only minimal editorial revision and copy-editing. Contributions may be rejected on these grounds alone.
  4. If accepted, contributions will be copy-edited and then sent back as proofs to the author, with any queries highlighted. 
  5. Since JASO is run on volunteer labour, we kindly ask our authors to insert their final article into the JASO template and follow the style guideline in the document below.

JASO Template and Style Guide


JASO Bibliographic Style


Parkin, Robert 1996. The dark side of humanity: the work of Robert Hertz and its legacy, Amsterdam: Harwood.


Journal article:
Parkin, Robert 1990. Ladders and circles: affinal alliance and the problem of hierarchy, Man 25/3, 472–88. doi: 10.2307/2803714.


Edited book/conference proceedings:
Maurice Godelier, Thomas R. Trautmann and Franklin E. Tjon Sie Fat (eds.) 1998. Transformations of kinship, Washington and London: Smithsonian Institution Press.


Chapter in edited book/conference proceedings:
Parkin, Robert 1998. Dravidian and Iroquois in South Asia, in Maurice Godelier, Thomas R. Trautmann and Franklin E. Tjon Sie Fat (eds.), Transformations of kinship, 252-270. Washington and London: Smithsonian Institution Press.


Chapter in book of essays by a single author:
Parkin, Robert 2001. Durkheimian evolution in the work of Marcel Mauss, in Robert Parkin, Perilous transactions: papers in general and Indian anthropology, 222-230. Bhubaneswar: Sikshasandhan.


Parkin, Robert 1984. Kinship and marriage in the Austroasiatic-speaking world: a comparative analysis, Oxford: D.Phil. thesis.


Online Resource:
Zeitlyn, David 2022. Discussing Mambila spider divination and visual anthropology in Cameroon, The Know Show Podcast (accessed 10 Nov 2022).

Third Party Copyright

As stated above, articles in JASO are normally published under a Creative Commons CC licence. If you include material by third parties (e.g., long extracts from texts and most importantly illustrations, diagrams or images by other people), then their copyright status must be clarified and, if needed, explicit licences must be obtained if the image is to be included in your article. Helpful guidance on this has been prepared by the Bodleian about third party material in theses. The basic principles apply to articles in JASO as well.

Potential book reviewers

The Editorial Committee are also seeking students in particular who would like to select a work from a broad range of anthropological texts and write a review of between five hundred and one thousand words in length (1.5-3 pages, preferably towards the lower end of this range). In return the reviewer may keep the book (which JASO will usually be able to provide). We cannot, of course, guarantee acceptance of the review before having seen it. If you wish to take a look at the list, please contact the reviews editors (Laura Bergin and Anna Malpas).